Four out of five trusts do not have sufficient data on the condition of their buildings. This is according to the ESFA’s recent evaluation of their Capital Advisers Programme across 70 trusts.
They also found that, where trusts had taken specialist advice on their estates management processes, significant savings were achievable.
It is important to remember that the pilot scheme and phase 1 programme involved a relatively small number of trusts, which were not selected to be a representative cross section of the sector. Therefore, the findings are not taken to be ‘typical’ of the sector. The findings in relation to the sample included:
The findings highlight the importance of having condition surveys, asset management plans and estates strategies as also set out in the government’s Good Estate Management for Schools (GEMS) guidance.
The importance of building condition surveys was emphasised. It is important to understand the value of current, complete and consistent data on the condition of the school estate. This data can drive planned preventative maintenance programmes and long term budget planning. Assessing the condition of the estate will also help trust leaders to allocate funds for future maintenance work based on need rather than want.
Knowing how to commission condition surveys and analyse the findings is critical to informed decision making and effective estates management. Factors you will need to consider include:
Condition surveys are the building block from which you can develop your trust Asset Management Plan.
According to the ESFA pilot, most trusts did not have a sufficient Asset Management Plan (AMP) in place. The AMP will help you make the best strategic estates management decisions as well as safeguard school occupants and obtain the best value for money. Having an effective asset management plan should also minimise unforeseen building issues. Your asset management plan should include:
Your AMP should also be linked back to an overall estates strategy or vision to ensure that the estate is delivering the required services aligned to the trust’s overall goals, whether this is academic achievement, sustainability or community impact.
Barker is a trusted property consultant to the education sector and strategic partner to leading sector bodies including Confederation of School Trusts (CST), Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) and the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL).
Watch our webinar where Rob Gould and Matt Isherwood provide a refresher of GEMS focussing on the following areas;