Listed Buildings Advice
As one of the country’s leading conservation consultancies, our dedicated team can advise on all matters relating to historic and listed building projects.
Barker is one of the country’s leading conservation consultancies. We have a specialist team dedicated to the conservation, restoration and development of historic buildings.
Contact UsWe love old buildings. Our team of experts is passionate about preserving and enhancing buildings for the next generation. Specialising in the conservation, restoration and development of heritage buildings, our approach is bespoke. From landmark buildings to modest dwellings, with our decades of experience we are perfectly placed to advise you on all heritage and conservation projects.
As one of the country’s leading conservation consultancies, our dedicated team can advise on all matters relating to historic and listed building projects.
Our heritage team holds specialist qualifications in building conservation. They work with diocesan bodies and individual eccleasiatical clients to provide practical and accurate condition reports to approved industry standards.
Barker provides specialist advice to diocesan bodies and associated organisations for ecclesiastical properties across the UK. We can assist with development, care and maintenance advice of historic buildings including quinquennial inspections and grant funding applications.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund inspires, leads and resources for the UK’s heritage estates. Our expert funding team can help support you in your application, to create positive and lasting change for people and communities.
We understand conservation. Our architecture and surveying team holds specialist qualifications in building conservation, and work proactively with planning authorities to secure the optimum results for our clients and the building.
Our heritage team holds specialist qualifications in conservation. We work with diocesan bodies and individual ecclesiastical clients to develop and submit applications for building works under the faculty process.