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Schools Estate Briefing

Government funding announcements:

The new government was quick to confirm the £14billion funding pledge made before the election.

This included a £780million package for SEND. Education Executive discussed the issues surrounding SEND funding in a feature in December 2019. Click here for link to Education Executive article. There is widely considered to be a crisis in SEN funding in particular.

Following the election the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson remains in post and has announced funding (see above) and news on T-Levels scheme which both directly affect Education Estates or funding. You can follow him on Twitter @GavinWilliamson

The Confederation of Schools Trusts (CST) launched its White Paper on the future shape of the education system in England in October. You can view or download the report here.

Good Estate Management for Schools

The DfE’s Good Estate Management for Schools (GEMS) guidance was launched in April 2018 and continues to be updated. The framework is an excellent guide to the strategy and implementation of estate management principles across the education estate. The guide can be accessed through this link.

The manual also includes a number of tools to help you assess and manage the estate. This includes the following:

  • Organisational self-assessment
  • Top 10 estate checks for boards
  • Required knowledge and skills
  • Tips for managing energy and water usage

Estates Portal

EO Portal helps you collate, report and analyse your data to enable better decisions.

The portal takes data collected from condition surveys, audits, smart meters and the government’s published data on finances and performance and presents it in easy to understand dashboards and visuals.

Leaders and executive boards can use this information to quickly understand the issues surrounding their organisations, benchmark the data against others and make the best strategic decisions to drive positive change in four key areas: Estates, Compliance, Energy and Benchmarking.

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