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Creating inspiring places to learn with academy estate consultants

In the education industry, creating inspiring learning environments is crucially important. Schools, colleges and universities are more than just buildings, they are spaces for students to learn and grow, and regular maintenance is essential to keep them in good condition. Over the years, as educational needs evolve, estates may also require renovation, expansion and modernisation to continue providing students with enriching learning experiences. 

Knowing how to improve your estate for both students and staff isn’t always easy. Getting some support from a dedicated consultant can help to ensure you’re investing in the right areas and creating the best possible places to learn. Our team at Barker is dedicated to helping you transform your estate and ensure it remains inspiring for your students. Below we have explored how academy estate consultants can benefit learning environments.


The role of academy estate consultants

Academy estate consultants are strategic partners when you’re improving educational institutions. They bring specialised expertise in managing, upgrading and reinventing spaces that are dedicated to learning. By focusing specifically on the education sector, these consultants understand the unique challenges schools, colleges and universities face, as well as the opportunities available to help them overcome these challenges. 

Working with academy estate consultants is not just about making your estate look good. It’s about creating environments that enhance the learning experience. These consultants will guide you through the complexities of estate management, planning and development. Their role is pivotal to the success of your projects and elevating the quality of education through improved buildings and facilities. Regardless of what your next project may entail, you can guarantee that academy estate consultants will add value. 


Planning and implementing estate projects

When trying to improve your estate, there are several ways academy estate consultants like the Barker team can assist you. From concept to completion, we provide a comprehensive service to assist with estate projects;


  • Estate Surveys 

Estate surveys are the backbone of any estate management strategy. They help to understand the current state of educational buildings and facilities, and can be used to identify areas of improvement in learning environments. There are a range of different types of inspections available, all of which offer unique benefits. 


For instance, condition surveys can indicate the condition, deficiencies and maintenance requirements of your estate. Other surveys like compliance audits, measured surveys and due diligence surveys can all provide useful information to help ensure your estate is kept in the best condition. The insights gained from surveys are crucial in planning renovation works, ensuring every change contributes positively to creating an inspiring learning environment.


  • Estate Management 

Ongoing estate management is a critical aspect of creating inspiring places to learn. Academy estate consultants can provide support with developing and implementing planned maintenance programmes, ensuring nothing important is being overlooked. They can also assist with managing compliance and regulatory standards. Effective estate management is not just about fixing what’s broken, it’s about proactively improving facilities and creating spaces that continuously evolve to meet the needs of students. The DfEs Good Estate Management for Schools guidance refers to this as Suitability and Sufficiency planning.

  • Energy Strategy 

Sustainability is a growing concern in estate management. With experience in energy transformation projects, consultants can help schools, colleges and universities develop and implement energy strategies. These strategies offer a myriad of benefits, from reducing operational costs to minimising environmental impact. 

Getting some professional guidance throughout your sustainability journey will enable you to focus on your broader objectives and the Barker Energy 360 solution will help you plan, fund and implement energy efficiency strategies. Academy estate consultants can simplify the process of adopting sustainable practices by not only delivering projects but also measuring, monitoring and reporting on outcomes. Linking your estates and energy strategies is critical if you are to make significant progress in this area. This ongoing assessment can significantly influence the daily operations of your estate and improve the learning environment. 

  • Project Planning 

The planning and execution of estate projects in educational settings require meticulous attention to detail. By working collaboratively with you, academy estate consultants will deliver your vision and ensure each project is aligned with both your educational goals and functional requirements. From the planning phase which includes feasibility studies and technical designs to the main phase when the build commences, you will receive comprehensive support. With seamless project management throughout, every part of the planning and execution processes will be carefully monitored to ensure its success. 

  • Project Funding 

Funding is a critical aspect of estate development in educational settings. Without funding, schools, colleges and universities wouldn’t have the financial resources required to improve learning environments. Academy estate consultants play a key role in identifying funding streams, bidding for financial support and securing the funding to make estate projects feasible. Whether it’s Condition Improvement Funding, Post 16 Capacity Funding, T-Level Capital Funding, or Energy Efficiency Funding consultants will ensure you’re investing time into securing the right type of funding.

Throughout a project, academy estate consultants can help you to achieve the best value for money. By assisting with financial planning and cost management, they will ensure your projects are completed within budget and financial risks are mitigated. With the help of consultants, you can ensure all projects deliver the maximum return on investment too. 

Working with academy estate consultants

Investing in learning environments has long-term benefits that go beyond the immediate physical improvements of estates. It’s about creating spaces that inspire, motivate and support students on their education journey. At Barker, we are one of the UK’s leading education property consultants and we have years of experience creating inspiring learning spaces for schools, colleges and universities. From concept to build and beyond, we offer comprehensive support and our industry knowledge is unrivalled.

Get in touch with our team today to learn more about the wide range of services we offer. Together, we can create spaces that not only meet today’s educational standards but also anticipate the needs of future generations.

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