The CIF 2021/22 bidding application window is now open. Barker is one of the country’s leading education property consultants and secured over £36 million in funding in the last round.
Academies and Sixth Form Colleges across England can bid for a share of more than £400 million to transform facilities, improve school buildings and create more good school places.
The annual fund can be used by Academies and Sixth Form Colleges to expand classrooms, upgrade facilities such as sports halls or science labs, and address issues with the general wear and tear of school buildings.
CIF supports projects that address condition, compliance, health and safety issues and maintenance needs of academy and sixth-form buildings. These include fire protection systems, gas safety, electrical safety or emergency asbestos removal and projects to ensure weather tight buildings and continuous heating and water supply.
CIF also supports a small proportion of expansion projects, that address the increase in the number of admissions in the main year of entry or address overcrowding including cases of recently approved age-range expansion and sixth-form expansion.
CIF 2021/22 Milestones are:
Milestones | Dates |
Registration deadline for new applicants | 10 December 2020, 12 noon |
Deadline for submitting applications | 14 January 2021, 12 noon |
Deadline for expansion project applicants to submit a significant change approval request (if applicable) to the Regional Schools Commissioner | 14 January 2021, 12 noon |
Date for notifying applicants of outcomes | Spring 2021 |
Further details, eligibility and checklist are available HERE
CIF funding is highly over-subscribed, only projects that demonstrate a high project need and those that align with CIF priorities are likely to be successful.
In order to prepare high quality bids, it is essential that academies start this process as soon as possible. Contact us NOW to find out how Barker can assist you to prepare a strong bid.
Barker is one of the country’s leading Education specialist consultancies. We have a track record of preparing CIF bids and delivering successful projects that have made a real difference to the academies.