Rising costs, funding cuts and detrimental effects on the environment has made everyone including schools want to review their energy provision, cut their energy consumption and adopt eco-friendly operational options.
The difficulty for schools however is where to start. Based on the feedback from clients, Barker together with EO Consulting have created an Energy Savings Calculator for schools and Multi Academy Trusts.
This simple, easy-to-use, online calculator helps schools find out how much carbon emissions and money they could save from installing PV panels and switching to LED lighting.
The calculator currently displays data for 24,000+ schools across the UK as per the DfE’s register of schools.
Schools can use this calculator to get data specific of their buildings in order to prioritise the projects that will have the biggest impact on carbon emissions and energy spending.
Installing PV panels allows schools to generate their own clean electricity and rely less on the grid, resulting in significantly reduced energy bills. They are an effective way to reduce a school’s carbon footprint and protect them from the vagaries of the electricity market.
Similarly, LED lighting also reduces carbon emissions and enables cost savings. These savings can be reinvested in other education and social outcomes as well as deliver positive impact on climate change.
The potential savings schools can make by implementing these changes are significant.
Using this approach, Barker and EO Consulting have already helped their existing clients meet their 2030 carbon reduction targets and are now working towards the 2050 targets.
Use the Energy Savings Calculator or contact us if you would like to know more.